InTDS ArchivebySamuele MazzantiYour Dataset Is Imbalanced? Do Nothing!Class imbalance is not a problem. Debunking one of the most widespread misconceptions in the ML community.Aug 24, 202229Aug 24, 202229
InTDS ArchivebyKSV MuralidharThe right way of using SMOTE with Cross-validationThis article discusses the right way to use SMOTE to avoid inaccurate evaluation metrics while using cross-validation.Mar 29, 20219Mar 29, 20219
Hasan Ersan YAĞCIUnder-Sampling Methods for Imbalanced Data (ClusterCentroids, RandomUnderSampler, NearMiss)The imbalance of data is a big problem for classification tasks. In python, there is a library to allow to use of many algorithms to handle…Jul 15, 2021Jul 15, 2021
InTDS ArchivebyZeya LTPrecision and Recall Made SimpleMaking precision and recall easy to understand with simple example, step-by-step explanation and animated GIFsNov 9, 20215Nov 9, 20215
InTDS ArchivebyAlon LekhtmanShould I Look at Precision & Recall OR Specificity & Sensitivity?In the data science community, it is common to look at precision and recall to evaluate the models you build. In the medical world, it is…Aug 5, 20191Aug 5, 20191
InTDS ArchivebyLuca CarniatoMulti-Class classification using Focal Loss and LightGBMUsing Focal Loss for multi-class classificationApr 6, 20211Apr 6, 20211